Cultivate Your English Skills HANDY INFO FOR TEACHERS | Page 18






How to set goals for a succesful class.

Hi there dear partners! Welcome to the most amazing magazine. In this section, you will find information about GOALS. Yes, Goals... But, What is the importance of Goals

´´goals are not only outcomes to shoot for but also standards by which students can evaluate their own performance and which mark their progress´´ (Dornyei, 2001, p. 82)

For setting goals, you might follow some useful steps, such as .... Watch the video! Watch the

According to the previous authors, they point out our ABCD tips to put in practice:

A: ACHIEVABLE: reasonable for your age and strenghts.

B: BELIEVABLE:: You need to believe you can accomplish it.

C: CONCEIVABLE: Clearly stated and measurable.

D. DESIRABLE: You really want it, and others want it for you.

McCombs and Pope (1994, p. 69)