Cuadernos Médicos Sociales 2018; Vol 58 N°3 | Page 114

opiniones y propuestas de mejoramiento o cam- bio de las prácticas en tanto hospital como de usuarios o pacientes, entendiendo esto como procesos de aprendizaje mutuo. La incorporación de la perspectiva de los NNA sobre los derechos de la niñez relacionadas a la atención hospitala- ria contribuirá al logro del reconocimiento de los NNA como sujetos de derecho. Palabras clave: derechos del niño, salud, participación seem like more significant rights in the collective productions of groups. Conclusion. Incorporating the rights approach implies a change in the institutional culture. This experience invites us to think about the develo- pment of reeducation strategies that allow offi- cials to reflect and transform practices that are invisible in the normalized world of adults. NNA participation meetings should be developed with more continuity where opinions and proposals for improvement or change of practices in both hospitals and users or patients are given, unders- tanding this as mutual learning processes. The incorporation of the perspective of children and adolescents on the rights of children related to hospital care will contribute to the recognition of children and adolescents as subjects of rights. Key words: child rights, health, participation ABSTRACT Introduction. In daily practice, there is a lack of knowledge about the rights of children and ado- lescents by the health team, as well as the users - patients and family -. This is mainly observed in the persistence of paternalistic or protective atti- tudes towards the children and adolescents who attend to the services. As indicated in the first publication, the Convention on the Rights of the Child founds a new paradigm when considering children and adolescents as subjects of rights. Objective. To report the experience of the reali- zation of a participative congress of children and adolescents, on the rights of the children, desti- ned to the integration of their perspective in the assistance practice of the Dr. Exequiel González Cortés Hospital. Methodology. An encounter of children and adolescents was developed, in which, under a semi-structured survey, adjusted for age, which consists of 3 dimensions: care, treatment and re- cognition as subjects of rights. This was applied to focus groups formed by age, the rights that are most at risk - or are effectively - violated in the care at our hospital were identified. Results: The child is recognized as a subject of rights, which requires a development scenario, a space where they can interact and express free- ly their point of view of the environment where they develop as a social actor. Therefore, a hos- pital for interaction and reconstruction of the environment where it is housed should be con- ceived. Enabling the realization of children and adolescents as subjects of law in a place of in- clusion. Through the exercise of systematization, the following assessments were made in relation to the dimensions analyzed: 1. Attention: good attitude, the hospital is always a new experience; 2. treatment: it is important to be listened to, to receive medical information. Do not be treated like young children. Participate in the processes; 3. about rights: to recreation, inclusion, being taken into account, being with family and friends González F., et al. INTRODUCCIÓN Introducción. En la práctica diaria, se observa la falta de conocimiento sobre los derechos de la niñez y de la adolescencia por parte del equipo de salud, así como de los usuarios –pacientes y familia-. Esto se observa principalmente en la persistencia de actitudes paternalistas o tutelares hacia los niños, niñas y adolescentes (NNA) que se atienden en los servicios. La Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) funda un nuevo paradigma al considerar a los niños, niñas y adolescentes como sujetos de derecho(1). Como refiere Schön, (la CDN) rompe con la concepción que considera a los NNA como objetos de tutela e intervención por parte del Estado, la sociedad y las familias, e instaura un nuevo ordenamiento entre las relaciones de los NNA, las instituciones, las familias y la comunidad(2). Por lo tanto, se instala un nuevo escenario sobre el que se deben construir las re- laciones entre el Estado, la sociedad y los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Los servicios asistenciales pediátricos confor- man un espacio donde deben promoverse y pro- tegerse los derechos de la niñez. Sin embargo, ni los mismos usuarios están al tanto de la vulnera- ción de sus derechos. La participación de usua- rios en la determinación de su salud, por medio de la incidencia en las decisiones tomadas por los prestadores y gestores de los dispositivos sanita- rios ha tomado más fuerza en los últimos años, sin embargo, excepcionalmente se ha escuchado la opinión de los NNA en ella. El Hospital de Niños Exequiel González Cortés, es un Establecimiento Asistencial Docente, 112