Crown of Beauty Magazine The Royalty Issue | Page 54

The Lord's Royals: King David

The Man After God’s Own Heart

We all have our own ideas about what defines a royal. Maybe it's class and elegant gowns. Maybe it’s losing your glass slipper or finding a handsome prince to fall in love with. While these things are fun in fantasy, being God’s princess is about much more. What does it mean to be one of the Lord’s Royals? Let’s look at a prime example: King David. Though perfect by no means, God loved him and used him in extraordinary ways.

An Unlikely Royal

For those of you who don’t know David’s story, let’s set the scene here: King Saul has just screwed up royally (no pun intended), and God tells Samuel to anoint a new king from the sons of a man named Jesse. The first son comes out, and he’s muscular and handsome; looks perfect for the job. “Nope,” God whispers, “Not that one.”

Seven sons later, and it’s still the same answer: “Not that one.” So Jesse presents his youngest son, David, who is out tending the sheep. “Him,” God whispers to Samuel. “He’s the one.”

By man’s standards, David was probably the last of his brothers anyone would have chosen for a king. He was a shepherd, the lowest of the low in those days. He was also the youngest and probably the smallest. And this is who the Lord chose to rule His people?

Yet this man was one of the greatest kings Israel had ever seen. He struck down fearsome armies in the Lord’s name. He was even called "a Man After God’s Own Heart." Quite a legacy to be left by a shepherd boy. Just a shepherd boy.

But that’s the thing about being one of God’s princesses. You’re never "just" anything. Just a teenage girl. Just another body breathing air and taking up space. The great thing about our God is that He looks not at outward appearances, but at what the heart has to offer (1 Samuel 16:7). So God sees us as more than what we see ourselves. The King of Kings sees you and loves you like His princess. Just like David, He has incredible things in store for you.

A Fearless Royal

But nothing good in life comes easy. I’m sure you’ve seen this for yourself. David definitely did. Before he could become king, he had a few obstacles to face, including one very large obstacle named Goliath.

Goliath was a Philistine; an enemy of God’s chosen people Israel. This guy was nine feet, nine inches tall, wearing 125 pounds of bronze armor. He had a bronze sword, bronze helmet, and the point of his spear alone weighed fifteen pounds. As if that weren’t enough, the guy had a shield bearer walking in front of him.

This was the guy standing at the front line yelling and taunting the Israelites. For 40 days he did this. On one of these days, Jesse sent David to the Israelite camp to bring his brothers their lunch. When David got there and heard Saul defying his God, he became angry. So in true David fashion, he stood up and decided to fight the giant. Imagine... the little shepherd boy, bringing his big brothers’ lunch, slaying the great Goliath. To top it all off, he rejects Saul’s armor in favor of a slingshot and 5 smooth stones.

Most of us know where the story goes from here. David answered Goliath’s taunts by telling the giant just how big his God really was. “Today, the Lord will hand you over to me!” he said (1 Samuel 17:46a). Then he proceeded to sink a stone into Goliath’s forehead. He had won! The little shepherd boy with big faith had just slain a giant.

Maybe you’re like David in this way; maybe you have some giants of your own to slay. And maybe, just maybe, you feel like tiny little David next to them. But here’s the thing: David didn’t depend on anything about himself to slay the giant. Not his own strength, not his weapons, not his royal destiny. No, he put all faith in his God. He knew that in his weakness, His God would shine. Just like you, princess. When you are weak and the odds are against you, know that your God can be strong in you.

A Fallen Royal

Even so, the best of us are weak when left to our own devices. Even David; great king of Israel, the man after God’s own heart. After defeating Goliath, a lot happens with David.


Your lips; Therefore God has blessed You forever. Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One, with Your glory and Your majesty. And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and