Crown of Beauty Magazine The Mission Issue | Page 63


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Just put your request out there! Be persistent. Let them know you'd like to interview them. Make calls, send e-mails, and "cast your nets" to see which fish might jump in! (Google is a great place to start, if you wish to find contact info for those you want to learn from.)

Interviews will be the PERFECT place to start reeling in your audience, by offering them relevant content. After you've finished your interview via phone or Skype, type it up into a fun, catchy, dynamic article. If it's a video interview, upload to YouTube with their permission. (Make sure they know your plans for the video before filming.)

Create Content that Pops!

Plan what you'll be writing for your first six to twelve articles before you worry about getting a domain or Wordpress site. Make sure your content all revolves around a particular topic. Everything posted on your site must be in support of the "vision" you are trying to establish for your readers. Imagine you are writing from that place, inviting them into it for the very first time. It's an exciting journey!

Establish a Publishing Schedule.

How frequently will you write/offer new articles? Choosing either 3 times a week or once a week is a good starting place. Make the commitment and stick to it! Blogs that are updated randomly, only once a month or so, don't do much to capture a faithful audience.

Hand the Pen to Someone Else!

What if you absolutely abhor writing, yet you still want to have a website? Maybe you feel like it's not necessary to have articles on your site, if your main niche is say... creating YouTube videos. Wrong! You need quality content on there in order to be taken seriously by Google Search Engines and other Web Bots that send visitors to your site.

If you don't want to write, find someone who will! This will involve NETWORKING. Do a Google search for people/blogs/others with the same interests as you and comment on their work. Give a compliment and let them know how excited/honored you would be to have them guest post on your website. Provide an email for them to contact you. If someone agrees to guest- write on your site, treat 'em like a Queen!

(Continued on next page!)

It's a one word answer: LOVE.

Every human on this planet desires to be loved whether they admit it or not. Yes, we desire to be loved, although we rarely give it away to each other.

Unfortunately, the kind of love that non-believers (sadly, some Christians too) know of is not real love. The love of this world is lust. Lust is manifested before our eyes in Hollywood, teen romance novels, and in pop music. Lust is not the exact opposite of love, but is a counterfeit type that the enemy uses to distract humanity from experiencing real love.