Crown of Beauty Magazine The Mission Issue | Page 57

of the three. That night, this girl and that boy…FELL in LOVE! The funny story is…the wait ended abruptly. We were engaged in two months and married by four. That’s our story, and we continue to turn the page!

COB: What would you say to a girl whose biggest dream is to meet and marry the man God has for her? 

Deanna: I believe a desire to be married is one from the Lord. If you desire marriage, God will come through for you. But until then, Honey, get lost in the Lord! Marriage is an amazing gift, but with every great gift comes a great price. Every great marriage requires much effort and divine intervention. In simple terms, marriage isn’t always easy. You work at having a great one. One thing you can do RIGHT NOW to contribute to your future marriage is to grow in the Lord.

I find that girls are looking for happiness and someone to take care of them. They’re looking to hear, “You’re beautiful!” Jesus wants to be your first love, providing all you need. He says you are altogether beautiful My fair one! His desire is to do a perfect and complete work in you, leaving you needing nothing (James 1:4 NLT). What a gift to give your husband! You’re not to be a lady who's waiting, swimming in a pool of guilt, loneliness, anxiety, or sadness, maybe from a past relationship or unfortunate tragedy. That’s not attractive. You are a diamond in the crown of the Lord! He had you tucked away, refining your luster, and NOW you out-shine all the rest! That is a charming and beautiful woman. So quick, Girlfriend, get lost in Jesus. It's there you will prepare for your groom.

COB: How did you get started in ministry, and what advice do you have for girls who want to pursue something similar, such as speaking or preaching?

Deanna: Go for every opportunity that God presents. No group is too small or not-as-important. I started first by assisting my Mom with our church’s youth Sunday School class. I brought the lesson once a month.  This was great practice for me. Only by taking those first steps will God enlarge your platform. Later, when in college, I attended an adult Tuesday morning devotion group with my Dad. Can you believe my Dad would have asked me to give his morning devotion (in place of him) to the adult group? I mean, what did I know, I was only 20?

Yet it was another opportunity or divine appointment, and I happened to be the servant God had given the message to. Taking this leap of faith to speak to those adults that Tuesday morning unleashed my destiny of ministering the Word. Larger opportunities immediately followed. My advice to you, carrier of the Word, preacher, teacher, evangelist, speaker…read, read, read, study, study, study the Word of God. Take every opportunity to speak for the Lord. Prepare for that person or group as if you were on a massive platform preaching to thousands. After all, it’s not about the size of the group. It’s about your obedience to stay in God’s Word and to speak His message. God calls the people in that group, and He will move on hearts. You stick to knowing the Word, preparing messages, and letting it change you!"

Deanna Bridges is a Super-Mom, empowered by Christ

to fullfill her calling. This North Carolina native is an

example of true beauty everywhere she goes! As our

first-ever Crown of Beauty covergirl, we were so excited

to have her face on the front of The Beauty Issue.

Check out her website!
