Crown of Beauty Magazine The Mission Issue | Page 54

Words with Wise Women (Continued...)

Our next wise woman was interviewed by Kate Mull. For Kate, the first woman who came to mind was Jodi, a children's pastor in Michigan.

Kate: How do you feel about misisons?

Jodi: I LOVE MISSIONS! Can I shout it from the rooftop?! Here's why. Missions is all about every person hearing the truth of Jesus and encountering His love for every single person regardless of behavior, mindset, attitude, race, culture, and beliefs! His mission is for ALL to know Him! It's that beautiful purpose Jesus has given all of us (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:19), inspite of ourselves

(2 Peter 3:9). Just think about how amazing that is! In Mark 5:1-20 Jesus delivers a man from 2,000 evil spirits. and this man becomes a missionary to his surrounding 10 towns! How cool! And He EQUIPS and EMPOWERS us to do it! (Acts 1:8)

Kate: What do you do, to be involved in missions right now in your life?

Jodi: Right now, I'm involved in missions at various levels. As a family we support missionaries around the world, as well as missions programs that are meeting needs and sharing Jesus monthly. I also lead classes, fundraisers, events, and challenges to raise awareness of mission needs. This allows me to teach about the power of being a part of missions, what the Word of God says about it, and encourage all ages to participate on every level they are able to!

Kate: What are some of your plans that you feel God has given you for the future?

Jodi: To me, missions is an everyday opportunity! Whether that's hanging out with your neighbor, supporting a missionary in China, or even holding a door open for a person at a grocery store. Missions is all about sharing Jesus with my life! My plans are to continue to do that at every opportunity presented to me! I believe as we all live that way, that God will blow our minds with more incredible opportunities. When we live out His Mission and it truly becomes our Mission, it shows God that we've been faithful with what He's given us and that He can trust us. [If you surrender your life to be used by God, watch out - He will blow your mind! Check out Joseph, Elijah, Elisha, Esther, Ruth, Paul and Peter.)

Kate: Can girls be missionaries in their everyday lives? How?

Jodi: Yes, yes, yes! Just as I shared in the last answer....missions is all about sharing Jesus with your life, but it takes intentionality! God is the perfect gentleman; He doesn't force you to share Him, and He's not about shaming and manipulating people to share Him either. Really it's being intentional about acknowledging what Jesus did for you and being so blown away by His love, mercy, grace, and hope that He's given you, that you are intentional to share with others the same thing!

I would encourage other girls to read about Esther (an average girl, and an orphan at that!), who saved her whole race from genecide! She prayed and fasted, she recieved wisdom and favor, and God equipped her and empowered her to stand up for what she believed (even though she could have been killed!) She was intentional to meet a need with God's help, and through that God was honored!

Think about an injustice that stirs you or a group of people that are desperate and have no hope! Begin to pray for them and for God to give you His eyes for them. Without God's eyes you can only see/do so much, but with God - ALL things are POSSIBLE! (Matthew19:26) God will give you His perspective, His ideas, His creativity, His favor, His wisdom, His strength, His