Crown of Beauty Magazine The Mission Issue | Page 47

Princess on a Mission

What if I told you that you have been created, chosen, and commissioned to go change this world as we know it? “Change the world” is such a cliché phrase that we hear tossed around in church, on TV, in girl power pop-anthems, and on social media accounts. It has a certain ring to it. But if we're honest, we've heard these words so much that our hearts have become slightly desensitized to the sheer thrill of the raging battle cry behind them.

I am about to hand you a secret strategy that will enable you to powerfully penetrate the evil in this world. This strategy is so simple it can be tempting to say, “That's it? I don't get it. What's so powerful about this?”

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.” 1 Peter 3:3

This is not the kind of beauty that is being celebrated in the earth today. Tragically, most magazine covers and TV shows do not celebrate women of virtue. In our Hollywood-saturated culture, we choose who is celebrated. We crown them as queens and dub them “celebrities.” Trendy outfits, catchy pop-songs, and push-up bras...that's what is being celebrated.

Meanwhile, our little-sister generation is attempting to emulate these highly celebrated figures of pop-royalty. They want to wear the same clothes as them, sing their songs, and act like they do.

We've all seen this kind of behavior coming from the little girls in our lives. Whether they are obsessed with Hannah Montana, or Queen Elsa from Disney's "Frozen," little girls love to copy what they see in the older women around them! This is a totally natural, God-given desire in little ones. In fact, Titus 2 instructs the “Older women, [to] teach the younger women.”

Little girls are more than eager and ready to learn. They desire to become what they see being displayed and celebrated around them.

This can be a wonderful thing, but this can also be a bit of a nightmare.

Who is telling these girls what is beautiful? Who decides who will be celebrated and what “cool” is?

I used to be one of those wide-eyed little girls, striving to become like my “cool big sisters” in Hollywood. I can only imagine how much I freaked out my poor Mother when I came running out into the living room as an 8-year-old with my t-shirt rolled up, showing off my belly button, and preppy pig-tails in my hair. I wiggled my hips around and said, “Look Mama! I'm Brittany Spears!

Little girls just want to be like their babysitters, their cool big sisters, and the teen-pop icons they see on TV. Sadly, the “babysitters” on TV and in the media are teaching our little sisters what being a girl is all about...and these messages are advancing the kingdom of Satan...not the Kingdom of God!

In 1 Peter chapter 3, the Holy Spirit reveals the powerful secrets to us of His Kingdom strategy in this shows us what we can do to be PRO-active and how to counteract the devil's twisted scheme. God does not desire for our little sisters to be sucked into this selfish, boy-obsessed, cruel, lying, manipulating culture. Thankfully, there is a flip-side to every coin! In the same way that little girls want to run around and emulate their favorite girls on TV, they also desire to emulate us.

That's right...I'm talking about you! Imperfect you. Messy hair, acne, battle scars, and all!

You, as a princess, have been entrusted with an incredible sphere of influence. Of course, the enemy would desire to blind you to not realize just how great an influence you have on those around you.

But just like Eve, you've been given a garden, a place of influence that is yours to cherish and maintain and be responsible for. It is your job to make sure the serpent of deception stays OUT of your garden. Don't let the cunning snake mess with your sisters!

This Kingdom Secret is a weapon of war for God's Princesses. I like to call it the 1 Peter 3:3 attack.

By Livy Lynn