Crown of Beauty Magazine The Mission Issue | Page 27

About the Author:

When we came home, we had no vehicle, no food, no furniture, and no house to put it all in. But we had people who loved us, and that’s all that mattered.

Our church family generously provided a house, a vehicle, food, furniture, and literally everything all the way down to the silverware in our kitchen drawer. As I write, I feel tears stinging my eyes because the beauty of love never ceases to amaze my heart.

So where am I now?

I am sitting in our house, and everything in my sight is a gift, given in love. I am a Junior in high school with my wonderful parents as my teachers. My dad is working at a cell phone company, and is looking for a church to pastor. My mother, as I said before, is working as one of the most amazing role models I could ever have. We all go to church every Sunday and Wednesday. I hang out with my friends and youth group all the time. I work with the nursery and kids’ ministry every few weeks. Things are by all accounts, “normal.”

But normal is a funny word. I am living in practically the same life I was before. But there is something slightly different in the air… And it’s not because that much changed back in the States while I was gone.

The change is internal, spiritual, and emotional.

My perspective is different than it was before. I see things in a new way. Everything has a different meaning. I'm still not a super-Christian...

I’m just a human…

I have flaws, sins, and strong opinions…

I can be stubborn when GOD tells me to follow HIS plan…

I can still be quick to judge people who don’t understand what I do…

I didn’t choose this plan for my life; GOD did. It isn’t what I did; it was what GOD did with me. I am not the special one; GOD is.

I am being 100% honest when I say, “GOD’S PLAN IS BEST.”

It worked out for me.

It will work out for you.

Live it out.

Hannah is a 17-year-old sister to 7,

hailing from the Friendly state of Texas.

She passionately loves writing and can usually

be found curled up with a book & a cup of

iced coffee or strumming her guitar on

the back porch swing...

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