Crown of Beauty Magazine The Love Story Issue | Página 36

The greatest tragedy in life is not that men and women are being persecuted and killed for what they believe in; a far greater tragedy is that millions of people on this planet are living without any purpose or passion.

“What is the meaning of life?” 

You can Google it or ask Siri, and you'll hear hundreds of answers. Siri once answered matter of factly, “All evidence to date suggests it's chocolate.” And while it's hard not to daydream about a world where chocolate is the purpose of our existence, in all seriousness we need to realize that most of the people we know are living without a purpose. Everyone dies, but not everyone lives. It is our job, as Christians, to strike a match in the dry places of their hearts and light them on fire for the King of kings! Our passion is to pursue Jesus; living for Him is what should bring us to life! Quite often, however, we lose our spark, and the flame of passion dies inside of us.