Crown of Beauty Magazine The Love Story Issue | Page 35

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is one of those words that we tend to use a lot more than we should, especially as Christians. When we are always thinking of and worrying about what is to come tomorrow, we miss out on all the beautiful things that have come today; like the ice blue sky on a cold Winter's morning, the squirrels running along the fence coming to say "hello," and all the little (and big) things God does to show us He loves us.


I often find myself looking too far ahead into the future, forgetting to slow down and enjoy the present moment, making myself miserable and discontent with where I am now. If you're like me and have done a lot of thinking about your future recently, then you’ll probably know how hard it is to stay away from falling into the terrible trap of discontentment, especially when it comes to love. Dreams for the future are a marvellous thing to have, but when we let our dreams and desires become more important than the God who gives them, that is where we can easily go wrong. There’s a song by Natasha Bedingfield called "Smell the Roses," that I could compare to this sort of thing perfectly. In it she describes how she wanted so badly to be in the future that she neglected the thing that was most precious to her. Because of this she didn't realize what she had, nor notice life in all its beauty. 


Just like every season of the year, each season of our lives is beautiful. None of them are necessarily less beautiful than the others because they are all different and a blessing from God. I always find myself learning something new in each one. Although they may be difficult at the time, they continue to teach me the faithfulness of God, and that most of the things that concern me needn't be a concern. The terrible thing about worry is that it steals the joy Christ has freely given us. Our time is wasted on something, when it could have been spent doing something good. Having patience and waiting for the right person to come along can often be a hard thing to do, even more so when people you know are happy and in relationships. It will always, however, be worth it in the end.


"That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"

 Matthew 6: 25-27


See, Jesus is right when he talks about life being more than the food we eat and the clothes we wear. God is the ultimate provider and will always meet our needs. If He can do it for the birds and animals, He can do it for us. So when you are ever tempted to worry, remember that all is taken care of and cast your cares upon the Lord. When we know that all is in God’s hands, we can carry on merrily because true love and joy only come from knowing one person, Jesus.

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