Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 8

anxious and fearful, perhaps you really do need to find something to weed away. Ministries, social events, and time with friends is all good, but sometimes we need to ask ourselves, ‘Is this good, or is this God? Is this truly how the Lord wants me spending my time?’

Let me share a little secret with you. Everything truly part of God’s will in my life has come from being quiet. It has come from communion with Him. It has been birthed out of being in that Secret Place of relationship with the King of kings. Sometimes, slicing away an activity, a plan with a friend, or an hour of sleep, in order to spend time with Jesus can feel like a huge sacrifice. But let me tell you, my dear sister, it is so, so worth it. Your life will be enriched and your heart will become more fruitful, every time you make a choice to pursue time with God! Stopping to rest and just be with Him not only refreshes and heals you, it also re-adjusts and re-aligns you to be in God’s plans and purposes for your life. It places you in position to make an eternal impact. Jesus said, “What profit does a man have, if he gains the whole world, yet loses his soul?”

Don’t neglect this vital part of your life. Don’t lose your soul. Let your roots go deep and give your soul the opportunity to truly thrive.


Taking care of our bodies can seem like such a trivial, non-important part of our everyday lives. In fact, sometimes as we buzz through our daily lives, it can completely fall off our priority radar. There are many days where I find myself so busy, that by the time dinner rolls around, I find myself wondering why I have a dull headache. Then I realize, I haven’t been drinking water! Drinking water, again, seems like such a small, non-important thing; but God created our bodies in a way that water is VITAL for us to not only survive, but thrive! 55% to 60% of our bodies are made up of water! So what happens when we’re not drinking enough of it? Dehydration can cause all sorts of health problems, and the solution is so simple, yet sometimes we’re just far too busy to think about rehydrating ourselves. Drinking water is just like washing in the water of the Word, we must remind ourselves to daily do this!

Another area that we often neglect is our eating habits. When life is busy, it’s easy to pop whatever we’re craving into our mouths, without even thinking about the damaging affects it could have on our bodies. Our grocery stores and fast food chains are loaded with chemicals, GMO’s, hormones, dyes, toxins, sugars, and other harmful preservatives. It’s easy to believe the lie that says, “If it’s on the shelves, and its FDA approved, it’s safe to eat. As long as I do everything in moderation, I’ll be fine!”

But I challenge you to dig a little deeper. Do some research. Discover what’s truly happening behind the scenes. Think twice about what you’re putting in your mouth. Be wise about ingredients, and strive to make healthy choices.

Your health is a gift from God! Sickness is stifling. Chronic issues can oftentimes be related to our diets. Whether it’s a pounding headache, stomach problems, or digestive issues, anytime we’re feeling bad, it’s hard to make an impact on the world! When you’re not eating healthy, it’s harder to feel good, and when you’re battling with feeling sluggish and un-inspired, what do you have to give? It’s a simple concept, yet we as God’s people really need to embrace this: in order to touch this world, we have to take care of ourselves. It isn’t selfish. It’s wisdom.

Anytime you choose to eat a salad, mow on some veggies, step outside to take a walk, do some stretches, spend time with Jesus, renew your mind in His Word, or say ‘No’ to toxic entertainment, you’re making choices that will help equip you with the strength, energy, and healing that you need, to be the light and change this world!

So shine on, little glow stick!