Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 62

So, what type of people are you allowing to influence you daily?  Do your friends point you to Christ and His love?  Are they encouraging you to stay grounded in the Word of God and seek after His truth in a world of relativism and feel-good morality?  Are their hearts and minds set on things above?

These are the characteristics of godly friends, people who will grow alongside you, who will sharpen you as iron sharpens iron.  Friends who live like Christ are the most important people of all!  The problem is finding these friends, isn’t it?  How can we develop friendships that stick more closely than family?


 Be that Friend

The #1 rule about forming Godly friendships, is to first be the friend that you

desire to have! Are you looking for an accountability partner to walk with you through a tough time, or make sure that you stay focused on your daily Bible reading? Call up a friend and ask them if they’re interested.  Do you want to find a girls’ Bible study on living like Christ?  Text some girls and invite them over.  As Matthew West so succinctly put it in his song ‘Do Something’, “If not us, then who?  If not me and you?  Right now, it’s time for us to do something.”  If you’re looking for a group of godly friends to encourage you?  Be that godly friend and encourage the people around you.


Love Unconditionally

We are all broken, sinful people.  Even the best friends in the world will disappoint you, and there will be nights where you cry out to God for help to just understand what’s going on in your world. Sometimes you might think giving up would be easier than putting up with the drama you’re going through.  But I encourage you to persevere through the dark times and love people as best you can.