Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 55

So why a prayer life you say? Prayer is the way we communicate to directly to God. He hears your every word. When you go to the Lord in prayer, don’t only do so when you are in a time of need but to also hear what He has to say. This is your independent time with God where you can develop a private relationship with Him. Sometimes the thought of prayer can seem a bit boring or useless, but it isn’t. Prayer is powerful as it can break curses, move obstacles, and give us covering in Jesus’s name. You may even want to consider keeping a prayer journal and go down that list as you go before the Lord. Pray not only for yourself but for both your loved ones and even your own enemies because God loves it when you show care for all of your brothers and sisters.

3. Free yourself of toxins

“Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." -1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV

There is no better feeling than letting go of what is no longer needed. Now this can relate to many things such as ways of thinking, bad habits, whereabouts, private possessions, people etc. We must be fully aware of what seeds we allow to be planted in our lives. Do your relationships reflect godliness? How about the music you listen to or the television shows you watch on a daily basis? Would you feel comfortable with Jesus sitting next to you while entertaining such things? The answer is probably “no”. Quite often while God is trying to direct us one way, our flesh is simply tempting us to go in the opposite direction. The cause of this is often because we feel as if we are missing out on something more important. But God is a protector and a provider. He is all knowing and His job as our Father is to protect us from the devils devices so that we will not become captivated by the sins of this world.

4. Take care of your physical body

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at price. Therefore honor God with your

bodies." -1 Corinthians 6:19-20