Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 54

Productivity Tips


Regaining your focus -Kenyetta Hudson

It is so easy to become distracted in our daily lives to the point where we have a hard time balancing a typical everyday routine and living a wholesome life for Christ. Whether you are in school, working a job, or have an overall super busy schedule; making time for God is a must. I know it’s tough, but in all reality, how can we serve God if we are not opening our hearts to Him? Of course we all have those moments of feeling overwhelmed or even unmotivated. However this is not enough of an excuse to completely ignore God’s presence. Here are 5 good habits you can begin practicing to get back on track and serve the kingdom of God.

1. Feed your soul with the Word of God

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” –John 1:1 NIV

2. Develop a strong prayer life

There is no way possible that we can please God, without having an idea of who He truly is. This is why meditating on the Word of the Lord is such a strong need for every believer. In the Scriptures, you will find God providing us a clear understanding of His commands and promises to all of mankind. There is no such thing as claiming to be a “Christian” and completely disobeying or discrediting the Word of God. The Bible is not just some book filled with boring stories of people who have personally encountered God but stories of faith and the power of God. It is the book that will give you proper instruction; it will help you to learn about the God you serve, how to love others, overcome challenges, and fight against wickedness. This book is your life guide.

“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” –Ephesians 6:18 NIV