Crown of Beauty Magazine The GLOW Issue | Page 23

"When I think about the qualities that I want to see in a Christian women to start a relationship with are: patience, loyalty, sincerity, kindness, authenticity, being a person of details and loving (of course). Also, that she truly loves God with her heart and desires to live for Him. In addition, she needs to be an intelligent women and that she can be an independent person. Some of the advice that I can give to Christian girls and women when it comes to marrying a man

Name: Pedro

Age: 18

From: Puerto Rico

Favorite Disney Princess: Jasmine

of God, is to be patient. Also, obedience to God is fundamental. Trust in God over all things, let Him to direct and affirm each step. Another piece of advice is to have your happiness in God.

The last one, is to be prepared. There is the need to be prepared emotionally, mentally and spiritually. And a bonus from my uncle: pray. That is fundamental. That was the deciding factor for him to be with my aunt.”



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