Crown of Beauty Magazine The Dreamers Issue | Page 10

Windows down. Hair blowing. Breeze flowing. Christian music going. My three little ones are dancing to the music, baby talking, and watching the houses and shops pass by. This is the highlight of a typical week day while our favorite man, sweet daddy, is working. Recently, while riding, I read this profound statement on a church marquee:

"God orders our steps, and God also orders our stops."

"Stop! Wait! It’s not quite time. Rest! Take a chill pill Deanna! Slow down Honey."

To be quite frank, these words make me go, GRRRRrrr. For years, these suggestions, or commands should I say, would drop tons of irritation into my heart. "Come on people!" I would say, "Life is an adventure! Life is fun on the GO. I like to journey on the fast track. Give me a thrill ride, please. Take me on a roller coaster. Is it extremely fast? I'm there! Downhill….screammmmm!"

Theme parks are crazy fun, don’t you agree?! But let me remind you: all roller coaster rides must come to an end. Otherwise, you will experience much fatigue, dizziness, and become (in my words) "wore-slap-out!" Road trips without rest stops or restrooms would be absolutely miserable. Similarly, as you fulfill your God-given assignment, whether it is through a career, hands-on full-time ministry, or being a stay-at-home-mom, you must learn to slow down, stop and rest in the sweet presence of Daddy Jesus.

Fill Up on Fuel

Over the past 6 years I have learned that the only way I can be a wife, a Mom of three kids under the age of 3, minister the gospel of Christ, and yet remain sane while keeping my momentum, is by stealing away and getting alone with the Lord. In my home, naptime is our time!

Friend, hunger for the presence of the Lord, and make it a priority to turn off the cell phone, computer, TV, music, all noise and all distractions to talk with Father God. Most importantly, listen for Him to speak to you. Get “fired-up” by His life-giving words.

Jesus our Lord demonstrated this for us. He would steal away from the crowds who were following Him, and even from His disciples who were closest to Him, to pray and talk to Father God. Take some time to read Matthew 14. In this chapter there are a lot of things going on. In the midst of the great miracle of feeding the 5000 with the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, Peter walking on water, and the terrible news of John the Baptist being murdered, Jesus took several “stops” to be alone (vs. 13 & 22). When things are up AND when things look down, we are in need of quiet time with the Lord.

His Word is life! His Word is pure. His Word is strength. His Word is ALL things! Wisdom. Understanding. Health. Are you down and depressed? The Word will replace anti-depressants and give you peace beyond what you could imagine. I am living proof of reading Psalms over and over until His peace would overtake me and joy would fill my heart.

His Word gives direction. It is a lamp to your feet and a light for your path (Ps 119:105) and will lead you down God’s perfect plan for your life. How awesome is that?! His Word is perfect. Sister, I am sold on His Word. The Lord says, “I watch over my Word to perform it” (Jer 1:12). Open up His Word and you will see that in Christ you have been blessed with EVERY spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3). The Bible is filled with promises that are for you today, and Jesus declares He will fulfill them in your life. Goodness gracious!


By Deanna Bridges