Crown of Beauty Magazine The Brave Issue | Page 30

Jana: I know how it feels to wait for “Prince Charming” to come along. I’m still waiting. :)

Waiting is not always easy. Especially in those times when all the married siblings are getting together and you can’t go along because your not part of “that” group. But waiting doesn’t mean sitting and literally waiting. No, we need to be busy with where God has us and being content and joyfully serving Jesus there. My parents have always encouraged each of us to serve those around us. As Jesus said and led by example, “…the greatest among you will be the servant of all.”.

I’ve found that when I’m having a hard or discouraging day, I try to look for ways to bless or serve someone else. And in turn it usually blesses and encourages me!

Crown of Beauty: You have such a busy schedule and a bustling family life! But what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Jana: I enjoy taking walks, playing the piano, working on different crafts or building projects, and just enjoying time with my family. I also enjoy working in our garden and learning that whole process. It’s so fascinating seeing how different things grow.

Crown of Beauty: Joy, you’ve recently become engadged to Austin. (Exciting!) What was it about Austin that first attracted you to him?

Joy: One of the first things that I was attracted to and admired about Austin was his love for the Lord and his love for God's Word. He was/is always investing into other young men’s lives and challenging them in their relationship with the Lord.

Crown of Beauty: Many of our readers are still waiting for God to bring their future husbands. Any words of encouragement or advice for them?

Joy: Through my single years and coming into my relationship with Austin I learned to

Number one, TRUST the Lord. And number two, that God works through the authority He's placed in my life. So many times I could've tried to do things my own way and "help God out", but through the scriptures and godly counsel from my parents and others, they encouraged me to give my love life to God and to let Him lead me to whoever He had for me.

Crown of Beauty: If you could imagine your life five years from now, what would you want it to look like?

Joy: Lord willing, I will be married and a mother.

Crown of Beauty: Where is a favorite place that you've traveled?

Joy: One of my favorite family trips was on the bus to Colorado where we went skiing, snow tubing, and had some great family time.