Crown of Beauty Magazine The Brave Issue | Page 28

laughing as our friend was trying to explain something to Derick about the reason that happened. He kept using the word "foco." Derick finally pointed at his hand and said, "Si! Foco en mi mano!" (Yeah, "foco" in my hand!) The problem ended up being a simple fix and we were grateful nobody got hurt trying to fix everything.

Jinger Vuolo

Crown of Beauty: Jinger, it's been so much fun to see the Lord bring you and Jeremy together through such a loving, God-honoring, courtship. What were some of your favorite things about Jeremy that first drew you to him?

Jinger: Jeremy was a young man who I saw had a passion for not just knowing about God but truly knowing God. Seeing his passion for the Scriptures and love for souls is what initially drew me to him

Crown of Beauty: Most of our readers are teens, and girls in their twenties and thirties, who are still waiting for God to bring their future husbands. Any words of encouragement for them?

Jinger: Yes! In 1 Corinthians 7:35, a chapter full of instruction for married couples and singles alike, the apostle Paul tells us that the purpose of his teaching is "to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord."

No matter where you are in life, seek first the kingdom of God. Let your requests be made known to God that you desire to be married and let God know the type of man you desire! But then set your heart fully to be devoted to what God is calling you to today. God delights to give good gifts to His children but He wants our hearts to be free from idols. Don't allow the thought of marriage become such a consuming desire that it chokes out your delight in and love for the Lord! "One thing is necessary," Jesus told Martha in Luke 10. Sit at His feet and learn from Him! He will direct, guide, and gift you with the desires of your heart if your delight is in Him.

Crown of Beauty: What's the biggest thing that you've learned about relationships, through your courtship, engagement, and now your marriage?

Jinger: Not to take my eyes off of Jesus! Since we began our relationship, Jeremy and I have learned that when we are walking closely with Jesus, we are closest to each other. If we neglect reading the Word and prayer (together and alone), we quickly realize our relationship suffers! Jesus Christ really has to be at the center.