Crown of Beauty Magazine The Beauty Issue | Page 35

Meet our Cover Girl:

Deanna Bridges

"I am so honored to introduce to you a true Queen in His Kingdom. Deanna is an author, speaker, mentor, and Mommy.

The Lord has used her to touch so many lives.

I was honored to ask Deanna to be our first cover girl, because she truly embodies what a “Cover Girl” should be. Nothing airbrushed or fake. Her beauty goes so much deeper than pretty hair and fun makeup...true beauty is seen as she lives her life. Our lives do not consist of a five-second snapshot, and Deanna knows that. Her passion to truly LIVE and spread the mind-blowing message that Christ LIVES in us, is one that I am excited to have her share.

I asked her to write about being the righteousness of Christ,

what happened at the cross, and how once we catch a glimpse of that revelation, we will never be the same.

It's life altering truth you are about to indulge in.

Ladies, I invite you to step into the heart of a true cover girl."


You Are a Miracle!

desire the same or you would not be reading this), is what I call a God-desire. Rest assured….He fulfills Godly desires. It is a promise. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4)

NOW I CAN SEE! The blinders over my spiritual eyes, causing my state of ignorance, are gone. The good Lord flooded my soul with the glorious light of the Gospel, revealing the power-packed wonder message of the Cross. It’s the greatest miracle ever told! I now know today without confusion or doubt….amazing is His grace, so amazing is His love!

I am writing to you today so that you do not live a day (like me) ignorant of the brand NEW you in Christ Jesus. My prayer is that the following few paragraphs would shake your world to the reality that – YOU ARE A MIRACLE!

Jesus Came Looking For You

Now God, you want ME to leave my Heavenly throne and go live on Earth - that sinful despicable place? Don’t be alarmed…that is me talking. I know that would have been my response to God if I were Jesus. That’s why I’m not God. Hence the need for a Savior.

There was absolutely no way God was going to leave us in our stinking, sinful state. His original plan for creating man and woman, boy and girl, was to worship Him, talk with Him and love Him. More than anything else, God wanted a tight bond and loving relationship with us. We’re His home-girls! His daughters. The apple of His eye. The treasure of His heart. So, He came! He came in search of you and in search of me.

Jesus. That’s why I’m not God. Hence the need for a Savior.

There was absolutely no way God was going to leave us in our stinking, sinful state. His original plan for creating

man and woman, boy and girl, was to worship Him, talk with Him and love Him. More than anything else, God wanted a tight bond and loving relationship with us.

We’re His home-girls! His daughters. The apple of

His eye. The treasure of His heart. So, He came! He came in search of you and in search of me.

Jesus left Heaven, laid aside His deity and royalty, and took on filthy flesh and lived upon Earth as a man. He was on a mission to buy you back. Satan had you. But at the Cross, he couldn’t stand. He lost his grip and was defeated by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus!

Do you know what occurred on the Cross?

Let’s do this: Close your eyes and picture the Cross. Most likely you can see the face and body of Jesus hanging there. Now, take Him off and hang your face and body on the Cross. Did you know that was you on the Cross? You were sinful and had to die. Imagine the crown of thorns on your head and the beatings to your body EXCEPT Jesus took the pain. My, my, my! What crazy love.

I could not endure a fight for a friend, let alone be nailed to a cross for my enemy. But Jesus did! While we were yet sinners, enemies of God, Christ died for us (Rom 5:8). So you would not have to die, Jesus took your punishment. Why? Amazing is His love you for. When you are crazy in love, with no conditions as only the love of Father God, you will do anything for that treasured one. He came for YOU.

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