Crown of Beauty Magazine The Beauty Issue | Page 18

Sleeping Beauty, It's Time To Awaken

Do you remember the childhood fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty? After touching a forbidden spindle, she fell into a deep sleep. She was tucked into a stone tower so lofty, the walls couldn't be scaled by any man. Suffocating weeds subtly entangled Sleeping Beauty's wrists, wrapping themselves around her hands and feet like tight chains.

Sometimes we can feel like Sleeping Beauty. Locked up within something so much bigger than ourselves. In the heart of every girl, there is a desire to be deeply loved and set free from what holds us back. We all want our lives to be something more than what we have known and seen. Our childhood dreams beckon us to arise and live glorious lives, but suffocating pain keeps us from moving an inch. We have a desire to live a spectacular, splendorous, out of this world life...but we've all discovered that it can't be found in a shopping mall, on a TV show, or in a boyfriend’s arms.

I think Demi understood what it felt like to be chained up in a tower. Though her life appeared amazing from the outside, her heart was chained and tormented. So many of us are masters at appearing as though we are living in a sweet dream world, when in reality, we’re caught up in the middle of a nightmare.

But is there really such a person as Prince Phillip, who will come and save us? Is there really a man brave enough to rescue us from…ourselves?

The shocking truth is that no man or human prince can save a girl from herself. But what if there is something greater than man? What if there is a force more powerful that could bring about my rescue? To set me free from inner demons, I would need a powerful angel or god. A love that knows no limits, that is not bound by time or even galaxies. If my struggles and prisons are inside, I would require something unseen. Something bigger than myself. Something bigger than the dragon who desires to kill me.

Princess, what would you say if I told you that I've found Him?

I’ve found One who makes brave Prince Phillip look wimpy in comparison to the true Hero of this story. I’ve found a Champion. A fearless warrior who overcame every known obstacle to man in order to rescue me. He is no son of Adam. He is a Heavenly Prince.

Girl, to find the purpose for your existence and connect with your Creator, is the most amazing thing you’ll ever experience. We try to fill ourselves up with so many things like shopping sprees, attention from guys, and affirmation from our friends. Yet in the midst of all this, we can still feel our hearts aching for something greater than what we have known. You know that you’ve been made for more. You hate feeling discouraged, depressed and empty. Don’t you feel the longing in your heart? You want something. You need something. You need a Champion Dragon Slayer.

“I don't need to get involved with this God and religion stuff,” you might say. “My life is amazing, and I'm doing perfectly fine on my own, thank you.”

Okay, that's cool. But if you ever find something that rescues you from the tower of pain and fear, please let me know. If you discover a lifestyle, a magical pair of sparkly heels, or a human who can heal your heart, set your soul free, and give you eternal life... give me a call!

Sister, if you told me all about someone or something who completes you and makes you happy, I wouldn’t call you crazy for sharing that with me. I’m just trying to do the same. I’m sending out a memo to every captive Sleeping Beauty, a message sent by carrier pigeon that says,

“Don't believe the deceptive mirage. They're telling us what a girl's life should be; boys, clothes, and lip gloss...but it's not what it appears to be. The world's goodies leave you with a sugar high for ten seconds, then slam you to an even lower place of devastation. We don't have to keep living like this! I’ve found the Prince, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is on His way. He defeated the very dragon who locked you in the tower. He’s coming to awaken your heart with true love’s first kiss. All you have to do is let Him in.”

I don't know about you, but I plan on living a spectacular life! I want to make the most of the time I've been given. I don't want to chase lip gloss, skinny jeans, and Prada bags that can't make me happy, and won't fill up that “God space” inside. Girl, I want the real deal.