Crow River Review Crow River Review Hot Stove 2/16 | Page 3

Crow River Revie Review Page 3 CRVL January meeting minutes The Crow River Valley League meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Jan. 11 at Dubb’s in Glencoe, by acting president Dennis “Soup” Campbell. All teams were represented, and guests included Bill Norman from the Herald Journal, Jarrod Peterson also from the Herald Journal, and Gerald “Beans” Roepke, Region 7C Commissioner. Norman was granted the floor and discussed the Review Ads, as he disbursed the ads that each team had from last year. He informed the group that if there are any changes to ads this year, to have those changes to him prior to the end of March, so they can make the changes. He gave everyone his contact information cell phone number, (320) 405-9537 and email, [email protected]. Norman also informed the group that they are planning on providing the poster schedules and pocket schedules again this year, but those won’t be done until April and he will distribute them through Secretary Kuerschner, as was done last year. Norman also spoke about the bar cards, and asked if a couple of teams could contact their local bars to confirm their involvement for this year. This needs to be done as soon as possible so that the cards can be printed and ready for distribution at the March meeting. This is assuming that the league wants to continue this fundraiser. Jarrod Peterson was then granted the floor, he introduced himself to the group as the new contact for stats and such with the Herald Journal. He provided his email address for the group, [email protected]. Next on the agenda was Bob Krie from HP Insurance; however, he was unable to attend the meeting, but provided information to Secretary Kuerschner for the upcoming season. The insurance provider is Nationwide Insurance, and the premium is based off of the number of players in the league. Secretary Kuerschner informed the group that he used the playoff rosters submitted June 30, 2015 as the number he provided to Krie for 2016. Krie is estimating that the premium will be around the $420 to $425 range per team. The premium was $415 last season. Jim Zellmann (Norwood) moved to accept the insurance and pay $425 per team. Brandon Stender (Young America) seconded, motion carried. The next item on the agenda was Jeremy Stender and KGLB radio. Stender was not able to attend, but he did inform Secretary Kuerschner that he plans to broadcast 12 to 16 regular season games in 2016, as well as the Region 7C final eight doubleelimination tournament. This is very similar to what he has been doing the past few years. As Chris Dammann was in attendance, he confirmed that KGLB is planning on doing a Hot Stove show during the Glencoe Expo in February. The meeting moved on to the secretary’s report. Stephan Wiblemo (Glencoe) moved to accept the December meeting minutes as emailed, Adam Dammann (Plato) seconded, there was no discussion, motion carried. The treasurer’s report was then given. Treasurer Kuerschner handed out a fivepage report for the group to review. Kuerschner talked through all the income and expenses that the league incurred during the 2015 year. The league started 2015 with a balance of $2,071.49, and after all transactions, the current balance going into 2016 is $2,089.39. This is an increase of $17.90. He also provided a projected budget for 2016 with all the expected income and expenses for 2016; this budget is showing a deficit of $849. Craig Pexa (Cologne) moved to accept the treasurer’s report as given. Dennis Zabel (St. Bonifacius) seconded, motion carried. Tom Lemke and Joe Kreger reported on the state board meeting that was Jan. 9. They informed the group that the state website was updated over the weekend with more features and an updated layout. They also said that beginning with the April meeting, the state tourney hosts will have different specific committee chairs reporting each month, along with the overall tourney chairs. Examples given were the ticketing chairperson would report one month, and then the concessions chairperson the following month, and so on. The hope is that both the hosts and board will be better pre- pared for the tourney. Old business Officer elections – both the North and Central leagues informed the group that they had already confirmed their presidents following the last meeting: North President – Dennis “Soup” Campbell (Winsted); Central President – Jim Zellmann (Norwood). The West had not confirmed its president as of yet. The whole group broke for a short recess, to allow the West League to discuss its presidency. Following this discussion, the meeting was reconvened. West President – Dave Sell (Glencoe). The vice president position was then discussed by all 15 teams. There was one nomination provided by Adam Dammann (Plato), Dave Tuttle. Tuttle was not in attendance; however, there was a short bio provided and emailed to the league the prior week. There was some discussion about other individuals, but no other nominations were made. Stephan Wiblemo (Glencoe) moved to table the vice president election to the next meeting; Adam Dammann (Plato) seconded, motion carried. The bar cards topic was brought up, to discuss if the league wants to continue with that fundraiser. continued on page 8