CROSS Magazine Issue 06 | Page 94

C RO S S Workshop B INTRODUCTION Nowadays , you can find service everywhere. It can be as small as a bartender fixing your drink in the bar, volunteer service, or as large as learning at school , dealing with financial affairs at a bank , even using the digital products . Whether it is a physical o b j e c t , v i r t u a l i n t e r fa c e , o r re a l c o n t a c t s b e t w e e n p e o p l e , t h ey c a n a l l b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e re a l m o f s e r v i c e d e s i g n . Th e m o s t important thing about service, no matter how big the service is , is its “thoughtfulness”, making the users think that the service really brings the ultimate solution to the problem . A product can meet the user’s need through designing , whether it is physical or psychological. In a similar manner, a service can also convey its thoughtfulness through the design process. The first question we run into conducting service design is “What is service design?” For a term that is so familiar yet so foreign , surely we need a clear definition. U K Design Council addressed a definition for service design: Service design is all about making the service you deliver useful, usable, efficient, effective and desirable. 94