CROSS Magazine Issue 06 | Page 56

C RO S S Conference DAY 3 I n t h e s e c o n d h a l f o f t h e d ay, t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s continued to attend the parallel session which took place in Crowne Plaza in E-Da Wor ld, K aohsiung. There were 25 presentations which were divided into 6 parallel sessions chaired by scholars from Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. The themes were divided into Ser vice Management and Ser vice Design, Ser vice Design, Co-creation and Holistic Experience. Various concepts and models were proposed. For example, Johan Blomqvist, a doctoral student at the Linköpings Universitet in Sweden proposed a ‘service walkthrough’ method as a tool to evaluate the experience of a service. The result from the ‘walkthrough’ can be used to generate new ideas to improve the service. Another interesting presentation was by Christoph Merdes, a junior Infor mation Ar c hitect at SinnerSc hr ader in Ger many. He proposed a customized method of ser vice design, an extension of ser vice blueprint, where members of design team are assigned to one stakeholder’s role and experience the ser vice as the role would to evaluate the service. 56