CROSS Magazine Issue 06 | Page 46

C RO S S Conference DAY 2 2 What do you think Taiw an should do to r ealize the openinnovation system? Open-innovation is suitable for Taiwan because it composes mostly of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). When you are talking about service, it is a system which requires collaborations among customers, competitors, and suppliers. It is inevitable to change the way of working together. There is the need to change your mindset of collaboration and learn how to manage the intellectual proper ty as there are many different par ties involved. Intellectual proper ty sharing concept is impor tant. It takes culture change, organizational change, and behavior change to be successful in the open-innovation system. 3 What could be done by the education system to prepare the human resource to fit with the open-innovation system? Education system plays an impor tant role, because you rely on the young generations, the ones to fill in the job market in the society. They should bring in new knowledge, new concepts, and creating the future for the society. So, how to prepare them is impor tant. Most education systems isolate one discipline to another. We should change the system, to create people who are able to work in multidisciplinary environment, people who can utilize the technology, but at the same time, appreciate culture, ar ts. All the soft skills have to be prepared to prepare the future generation. 46 46