CROSS Magazine Issue 06 | Page 38

C RO S S Conference DAY 1 3 Unlike physical goods, ser vices are dynamic, unfolding over a period of time through a sequence or constellation of events and steps. There are many factors that might influence customer’s perception on the ser vice. Do you agree that successful ser vice could still come from systematic planning, even though there are countless variables that might affect the outcome of the service? I think the only way to address the complexity and diverse context is to provide a systematic approach. If you do not have a systematic approach to begin with, you will not be able to handle complicated context at all. This is my view on design. Design is not going to drop from a tree. Creativity is not given. It has to come from a careful, systematic, well-planned approach, so that it will be achievable and outlining the entire possible context properly, being able to distinguish this context to another, that is the essential par t of designing. I spent my research effor t star ting 2000 to 2007, I have been assigned by the Korean gover nment to conduct a study on design creativity. What is being creative requires a lot of viewpoints, but my approach of creativity is it is formed by many elements which will be different across individuals. It has to be well- analyzed, wellmanaged to enhance and achieve collective creativity. Creativity is not going to be achieved with people doing what they want. It is going to be achieved with a lot of plans, nice management, and good organization. Creativity is something that can be educated. One of the aspects of creativity is to be able to see diver se viewpoints. Creativity is being flexible enough, being able to address many different viewpoints, being able to do many different things, being able to do something dir ty and clean at the same time – that is collectively what is needed in creativity. 38 38