Crest High School Registration Guide Crest High School 2017-18 Registration Guide | Page 36

Biotechnology & Agriscience Research II Honors Grades 11 , 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : Biotech & Agriscience Research I * This course provides instruction in laboratory and safety skills needed by agricultural research scientists . Current applications of biotechnology in animal science , environmental science , food science and plant science are emphasized . Basic concepts of genetics and microbiology are applied to the agriculture industry and its success in providing food and fiber for the world . Opportunities exist for students to conduct individual or team research experiments . Hands-on laboratories and current topic discussions provide students an understanding of careers in agriscience research . This course articulates with Cleveland Community College and other NC Community Colleges if you make a “ B ” or better in the course and score Proficient on the CTE exam .
CTE Agriculture Advanced Studies Grade 12 1 Unit Prerequisite : Two technical credits in the agriculture cluster This culminating course is for seniors who have earned two technical credits , one of which is a completer course , in the Agriculture Career Cluster . The Advanced Studies course augments the content of the completer course and prepare a students for success in transitioning to post-secondary education and future careers . Students work under the guidance of a teacher with expertise in the content of the completer course in collaboration with community members , business representatives , and other school-based personnel . The four parts of the course include writing a research paper , producing a product , developing a portfolio , and delivering a presentation . Students demonstrate their abilities to use 21st century skills . FFA , competitive events , community service , and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences .
CTE Agriculture Internship
Grade 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
A CTE Agriculture Internship allows for additional development of career and technical competencies within the agriculture career field . Internships allow students to
observe and participate in daily operations , develop direct contact with job personnel , ask questions about particular careers , and perform certain job tasks . This
activity is exploratory and allows the student to get hands-on experience in a number of related activities . The teacher , student , and the business community jointly
plan the organization , implementation , and evaluation of an internship , regardless of whether it is an unpaid or paid internship .
Career Management
Grades 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
This course is designed to prepare students to locate , secure , keep and change careers . Competencies for this course are based on the National Career Development
Guidelines . Strategies for this course include teamwork , technology , problem-solving , decision-making , goal-setting and self-management . Career research , planning
and portfolios will be completed . Students completing this course have the opportunity to obtain a Conover Online certification in Job Readiness as well as
certifications in Seeking a Job and Keeping a Job . The Job Readiness certification can be used in lieu of the CTE end of course assessment .
Project Management I
Grades 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
This course will introduce students to the principles , concepts , and software applications used in the management of projects . Through project-based learning ,
students will understand how to use the framework of initiating , planning , executing , monitoring and controlling , and closing a project in authentic situations . Art ,
English language arts , and mathematics are reinforced .
Health Team Relations
Grades 9 , 10
1 Unit
Prerequisite : None
This course is designed to encourage potential health care workers in their role and function as health team members . Topics include terminology , the history of
health care , health care agencies , ethics , legal responsibilities , careers , holistic health , human needs , change , cultural awareness , communication , medical math ,
leadership and career decision making . Work-based learning strategies include service learning , field trips and job shadowing .
Health Science I
Grades 10 , 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Biology and Health Team Relations are recommended
This course focuses on human anatomy , physiology and human body diseases and disorders , and biomedical therapies . Students will learn about health care careers
within the context of human body systems . Projects , teamwork and demonstrations serve as instructional strategies that reinforce the curriculum content . English
language arts and science are reinforced . Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include service learning and job shadowing . Biology is
recommended in preparation for this course .
Health Science II *
Grades 11 , 12
1 Unit
Prerequisite : Health Science I
This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of financing and trends of health care agencies , fundamentals of wellness , legal and ethical
issues , concepts of teamwork and effective communication . Students will learn health care skills , including current CPR and first aid training . English language arts and
science are reinforced . Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include internship , mentorship , service learning and job shadowing . Apprenticeship
and cooperative education are not available for this course .