Crest High School Registration Guide Crest High School 2017-18 Registration Guide | Page 14

NC Articulation Agreement
Articulation is a means of receiving community college credit for certain high school Career and Technical Education courses . The credit is awarded for courses in your community college area of study . The following criteria must be met in order to receive college credit :
• Grade of B or higher in the Career-Technical course
Score 90 % or higher on the Career-Technical Education course post-assessment or receive an industry recognized credential from an approved certification organization . Enroll in the appropriate Community College area of study within two years of the high school graduation date .
Community College officials will have the responsibility of verifying eligibility and acceptance of the articulated courses on the high school transcript . Please visit the Articulated Credit webpage on the CCC website at www . clevelandcommunitycollege . edu to obtain the Articulated Credit Request form and additional information . Courses eligible for articulated credit can change each year . Be sure to ask your teacher or Career Development Coordinator if your course is eligible . For more information contact your school Career Development Coordinator or a Counselor .
Report Cards – Progress reports
The Cleveland County Board of Education requires that all parents shall be informed at regular intervals on the progress of their children . Schools will use nine week grading periods . Report cards will be issued at the end of each grading period as designated on on the school calendar . Schools shall provide interim progress reports to parents and students every three weeks .
The school calendar can be found on the Cleveland County Schools website in the “ Calendar ” folder .
Exceptional Children
In addition to the regular curriculum , high schools provide instruction for students with special educational needs . Programs for exceptional children include but are not limited to : specific learning disabled , severely emotionally disabled , orthopedically impaired , intellectually disabled , visually impaired , intellectually disabled , visually impaired , hearing impaired , autistic and other health impaired . A placement team in collaboration with the student and parent formulate an IEP used to guide instructional goals .
Students in the Exceptional Children ’ s Program as defined by G . S . 115C-109 ( excluding gifted and pregnant ) who do not meet the requirements for a high school diploma will receive a graduation certificate and shall be allowed to particpate in graduation exercises if they meet the following criteria : 1 . Successful completion of 22 course units by general subject area ( 4 English , 3 Math , 2 Science , 2 Social Studies , 1 Health and
Physical Education , 6 local electives and 4 CTE electives ) under paragraph ( e ) of this Rule . 2 . Completion of all IEP requirements . 3 . Successful completion of work hours as required by NCDPI .
Education for Academically or Intellectually Gifted Students
In accordance with Article 9B and Board of Education Policy 3430 G . S . 115C-150.7 , the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has established a framework and guidelines by which all North Carolina school districts develop local plans . Cleveland County Schools Academically and / or Intellectually Gifted Program Plan establishes specific procedures for identification , academic academic services , and additional resources for gifted students .
English Language Learners
Board of Education Policy 3400 G . S . 115C-36 ; 20 U . S . C . § 6312 ; 20 U . S . C . § 6913 ; 16 N . C . A . C . 6D . 0106 The Cleveland County Board of Education shall identify English language learners and provide suitable research-based language instruction programs for all identified English language learners in grades kindergarten through 12 in accordance with state and federal law . Parents of English language learners shall receive a notification and information regarding language instruction programs in accordance with applicable state and federal law .