Crees Foundation - Orquid Bee Guide of Manu Learning Centre. orchid-bee-guide Crees Foundation | Page 4

Introduction Introducción Orchid bees are brightly-coloured insects exclusively found in the Neotropics, from Mexico to the North of Argentina. They are classified in the Euglossini tribe of the Apidae family2, which includes all bees. Unlike other members of their family, such as the honey bee, orchid bees are mostly solitary. However, some species do build their nests near other individuals Las abejas de las orquídeas son insectos de colores llamativos distribuidos únicamente en el Neotrópico (desde México hasta el norte de Argentina)1. Se agrupan en la tribu Euglossini, dentro de la familia Apidae2, la cual incluye a todas las abejas. Al contrario que otros miembros de su familia, como las abejas domésticas, las abejas de las orquídeas son generalmente solitarias. 4 | of their species, forming small communities. They use a variety of materials for nest building, including plant resin, mud, bark, leaves and even faeces. Orchid bees visit a wide variety of flowering plant species, including, as their name suggests, many orchids. They visit the flowers in search of food, in the form of pollen and nectar, and for the aromatic compounds produced by the plants3. In return, the plants benefit from the pollination services provided by these bees. The long tongue and large body size of some species allows them to access flowers that are unavailable to many other insects, and they also fly long distances (up to 20km in one day)4. These characteristics make them important specialist pollinators, and orchid bees are the sole Sin embargo, algunas especies construyen sus nidos cerca de otros individuos de su misma especie, formando pequeñas comunidades. Para construir sus nidos usan diversos materiales: resinas, barro, hojas, corteza e incluso heces. 5 |