Creek Speak | Page 51

The Hero's Journey Commences with Mrs. Nefueld and Mrs. Hotlz's 9th Grade Classes

Edited by Abbigail Martin and Sarah Eisenberg

Mrs. Neufeld and Mrs. Holtz’s ninth grade classes have had a writing competition! The prompt was to remake or write a story about a hero. After spending a unit on different hero stories like The Odyssey, the students wrote their own adventures. We are proud to present the top two hero stories. Our runner up, the story ‘The Green Odyssey’ by Abbigail Lange, is a thrilling tale of Ralph and his amazing powers.

The Green Odyssey

Abbigail Lange

It all began in fifth grade when the class sprouted beans for a group project. Each person had a set of beans that they solely grew. Ralph's set grew bigger, faster, and thrived far beyond anyone else's. No one knew why.

That summer he started a garden with his mom. Of course, his corn, carrots, and tomatoes were record-breakingly large and ideal. At this point, Ralph began to realize there was something very special about him. Over the years, he could not contain his powers and began exploring. He could do very simple things such as making a plant revive or grow instantly just by touching it. He could also do very extraordinary things like turning trash into plants or soil. One day, he was reaching into a Sicily bush and something stung him. It was a bee and suddenly he remembered that when bees lose their stingers, they die. He was deeply saddened and as he went to pick up the honey bee, another one appeared out of nowhere. At first, he was very confused, but with practice, he realized he could create honey bees. At age 26, Ralph's abilities continue to develop.