Creek Speak | Page 50

Trends play a huge role in fashion at all levels. Once something catches on high up in the fashion world, it slowly trickles down to everyone forming a trend. In high school fitting in can be a big deal, and trends are an easy way to do that. There are quite a few trends at Silvercreek, one of the easiest to spot would be the 70’s throwback Adidas Superstars. Since they were brought back by adidas, they have spread like wildfire across boy and girls alike; it's impossible to not see a pair. Often these trends come from popular brands and celebrities as an exciting product that catches on fast.

Trends aren't for everyone though, many use their fashion as a method of expressing themselves to reflect a culture or time period they relate to. The 90’s grunge look is a good example of this where through the light washed jeans, flannels, and old band T-shirts reflect the culture of that seen and time. Others will wear sustainably sourced clothing in protest of the harsh morally questionable clothing manufacturing system. Girls will wear crop tops in protest against the dress-code, and boys would sag their pants.

There are still the up-and-coming trends that we don't know about. In 2012, nobody would have guessed that an ‘on fleek’ eyebrow would be a hit trend, or frosted tips. Cosmopolitan magazine and Vogue magazine both believe that the ‘blorange’ hairstyle and color will become popular. It's a mixture of blonde and orange hair. Maybe a new clothing item will grace the stores and cause an epidemic just like leggings and neon basketball shorts did. Whatever the trend may be for 2017, there's no doubt that the students of Silvercreek will pick it up with grace just like we have in the past.