Creek Speak | Page 64

*hums Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated* Is that from Nickelodeon or something? No (*scoff*) 3. Add the flour and salt to the wet ingredients, blending with a mixer until combined. Refrigerate cookie dough for 30 minutes to firm up. First make sure your refrigerator is running... Ashley, no. 4. Preheat oven to 350°F. Scoop out balls of cookie dough with a small ice cream scoop and place 1-inch apart on parchment-lined cookie sheets. I bet Chinese cookie sheets are worth a fortune. Ashley, stop yourself while you can. 5. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, until a toothpick inserted in the cookie comes out clean. 6. After removing cookies from the oven, use a rounded soup spoon to gently press an indention or puddle in the center of each warm cookie. Let cool completely. I need a cool pun. But no puns are cool… Stop insulting my food puns. I think they’re egg-cellent! Just when I thought you were safe. I was just here to eat food. Fine. Egg-nore me, see how much I car-rot. I’ll show you eggs-actly how much I care. To make the chocolate ganache: 7. Slowly melt chopped semisweet chocolate in the microwave. Add cream and whisk vigorously until smooth and thick. Place in a zip-top bag, squeeze out the air, and seal. Cut a small corner of the bottom of the bag. 8. Pipe the chocolate ganache into the center puddle indentation of each cookie. If you have any leftover chocolate, use it to drizzle across the outer edges of the cookies (or just eat it) Cool completely before serving (or have no patience, like Rutgerre, and eat right away) The mud puddles were really refreshing after Ashley’s puns left a sour taste in my mouth. Now, if done right, these should look like they're from Harry Potter, but not in the way Ashley did it. You’d think she would be more competent, coming from a food background, but that’s a lie. The decadent chocolate tasted amazing, but they looked like trash. I was scared to eat them. They could sense my fear and roared back. Eating them