Creek Speak October 2017 | Page 28

Kinesthetic learners learn the most when they try to do something on their own without any written or verbal instruction present. These types of learners know that touch is an important part of their learning process so using tangible objects or movement will help these learners get more out of the lesson. Staying focused on hands-on activities will really help with getting full information.

Visual and kinesthetic learners are similar so if you got a split between A’s and C’s, that is normal.

Ms. Sandhu, a teacher here at Silver Creek, has given these quizzes to her classes for eleven years! We interviewed her to find out why knowing different learning styles is so important. “I give them these quizzes so they can know what type of learner they are and use it to their advantage”. When you study, Ms. Sandhu adds not to only use your learning style but to “use all three” instead. Teachers will mostly conduct their lesson plans with “teaching kinesthetically, using auditory skills, as well as visual” but you should make sure to still incorporate your learning style as it is up to you to make the most our of your learning experience. Ms. Sandhu says “I'm a visual learner and I always make sure I can see it”. For all the teachers out there, it's important to note that “most students are visual or kinesthetic” however the only way to really know about your class is to give them the quiz.

In knowing all of this about yourself, now is the time to start doing what’s best for you with all this new information on how to better organize, study, and prepare yourself for everyday classes. Start little by little in creating a good system that will work to your advantage.

If you got mostly C’s, you’re a kinesthetic learner!!