Creek Speak October 2017 | Page 21

The development in the E-Wing is called “scheme E,” which does not currently have blue prints, but they will be coming in the near future. While interviewing Austin, the idea of the project being completed was a concept that I wanted to truly understand, since building will begin right after students get out of school in May until they get back in the fall. He details how it is going to be an aggressive workload as they want the expansion to go smoothly. To follow the progress of the building on social media, Austin has created an Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. All of these can be followed @SCHSbondexpansion. To keep up to date, students and faculty can also view the website that Austin has created to get information as to what will be occurring with the expansion. The website can be found at

As a result of the expansion, the school board needed to make room for the additional students and teachers for the time being. What they came up with is what we students know as portables. The portables are located around the back of the current building. They can be reached by exiting through the D Wing. The portables are temporary, free standing buildings where some classes will be held until the additional classrooms are constructed. Many people have differing opinions on the portable classrooms.
