Creek Speak November 2017 | Page 18

Since I was a young boy, I knew I was going to join the Military. My grandfather and uncle have served and I would talk to them about their service every chance I got. Like any other young boy, I was interested about our military's firepower. However, that is not what I would talk about with my family. I would ask more about “why they did it?” or “Would they do it again?” After years of talking about joining the military, I made the decision to join the United States Marine Corps. I enlisted over the summer going into my senior year. It was the biggest moment in my life. I will admit I’m a little biased to join the Marines, but I did it because they are the strongest fighting force this world has ever seen. I wanted to be part of a family who defends the innocent and our freedom. The biggest question I get asked is why I am joining. I do not know how I could not join while there is a war going on. People often tell me it is a pointless war. I don’t understand why they could say that when it is not just innocent Americans are being killed, but all innocent lives that are being threatened by terror groups and corrupt leaders. I will join, and I will not leave until the last shot is fired and everyone is at home, safe and free. We still have men and women overseas, including my friends and family. Until my last breath, I will do anything to see my flag fly, and to see my fellow Americans smile and live happy lives.

As a nation, we have our faults. However, we are the greatest nation on the planet. We wouldn't be this amazing country if it wasn't for the brave men and women in the armed service protecting it, who are willing to drop anything when they get the call.

I Pledge Allegiance

By: Trevor Patzkowsky