Creative Sacred Living Magazine Summer Solstice 2015 | Page 18

Nature is such a strong force in the world that no matter where you live or what your lifestyle is like you can be sure to find at least a bit of the natural world creeping in. Even the concrete jungles of major cities are still home to a number of "greenspaces" where the inspiring aura of nature can be felt. It is simply a choice that each one of us makes to take in the endowing gifts of nature and let nature nurture your soul.

If you haven't already realized what life changing effects nature can have, you probably haven't spent much time in natural surroundings, or if you have, you haven't really had the awareness of what nature does. Nature is one of the connections to your soul. It's how you spend time getting to know yourself - your true self - and how to connect to yourself spiritually so that you can better know the right path for your unique life.

To have a more spiritually focussed experience in nature does take a bit of intentional thinking, but the simplicity of connecting with nature will come quickly when you keep a few things in mind:

Be in natural surroundings with your body, mind and spirit. In other words having a nice stroll through the park and thinking about your hectic day will not bring you any spiritual nourishment. Keep your body mildly active, your mind focussed on what you're seeing, hearing and feeling and your soul open to the nurturing experience.

Seeing the amazing ways of nature can be appreciated by watching it on TV as well. The real thing should still be a regular part of your life, but learning about the varied ways of the natural world will bring you spiritually closer to nature when you realize how magnificent and magical nature is. One example of a great place to learn about is the Amazon Forest, which is a wonder of unique and special occurrences that are still being discovered.

Your time in nature can be experienced with others too. It can actually be a great way to deepen your relationship with someone else when everyone is noticing and feeling the healing environment that you are experiencing together.

Nature nurtures for life, and you can be sure that if you allow it, nature will help you through so many obstacles that you'll come across just by being there in one place. There's a power in a forest to help your help yourself and with a bit of motivation and persistence on your part you can reap all those wonderful gifts of nature.

Stephanie's connection to nature and its life enhancing gifts have been the inspiration to help others connect and care for the outdoors and in turn connect and care for themselves. To discover ways to empower yourself and enhance your mind, body and spirit visit Spiritual Life Balance

Finding Your Spiritual Path Through Nature