Creative Sacred Living Magazine Spring Equinox 2015 | Page 59

After much practice and determination, I found myself meditating in many different ways; one being nude. This form of meditation is the most powerful act a soul can make. Having had a willow tree and lake in my backyard, I would plant my tush into the ground and sit under the tree. There I was, naked as a jaybird with the wind blowing in my hair and the sound of the trees swaying back and forth with the rhythm of the breeze.

During these times of disclosure, I’ve learned so much meditating naked:

1. The feeling of being free and open helped me to be more confident within myself. Not so much in vanity as feeling more confident within my soul. The powerful feeling of being outdoors nude under a tree meditating is incredible.

2. Meditating naked outside helps with breathing techniques. The fresh air and breeze helps with anxiety and relaxes the mind. With the sounds of nature and peaceful surroundings, letting go becomes easy.

3. Freedom of Expression. When meditating naked, I found myself not staring so much at my body as I was engaged in the freedom of expression. Being naked outside allowed me to get in touch with my creative side. It allowed me to create in ways that I never thought was possible.

4. Being one with nature. Sitting outside baring all proved to me that I trust Mother Earth and her gifts. The gift of healing. The gift of love. The gift of knowing. The gift of protection. The gift that lies within my soul; to heal, to love, to give, to share and to be one with others.

Creative Living Coach & Intuitive

"I use creativity and healing as coaching tools towards helping others lead a creative abundant life in body, mind and spirit. I love to inspire others turn their everyday lives into a personal playground filled with love, joy, happiness and creative play"
