Creative Sacred Living Magazine Spring Equinox 2015 | Page 30

Once upon a long time ago,some sixty years past the little girl I was began to recieve glimmers of joy from holding a crayon in her fingers and colouring books.. Even better than colouring books was a blank piece of paper, so I could have the the purist of Joy bybeing in complete bliss drawing and colouring my own dreams, my way.

During that once upon time I saw myself as an artist , spoke as if there was nothing else but that ...but inevitably truth be known this vision dimmed , didn't go out but was almost not visisble.. The story took many turns and for many years it looked like it had been a childish dream not meant for an adult who had children ,work , a husband ,a home in a very traditional setting surrounded by very traditonal examples of life in a very small in Northern Ontario... No artists and for certain not women with with real responsibilities..

Evantually my children grew up ,my husband retired , I let go of my hairsalon of thirty years and Oh My Goddess !!! What was there left for me to do.. The future looked rather bleek and most certainly boring. Married at fifteen I had had my fill of the traditional life..I had done all the things a wife and mother ,daughter were suppose to do.

Slowly the little girl dreams began to surface and I thought maybe I could give myself the gift of some brushes ,paints and canvas and surprise ,surprise there appeared a woman in my little town who considered herself an artist and of all things are paths crossed and she invited me to come and paint...and I did.. It changed my life forever.

The painting came at atime in my life when I desparately needed a new identity but also at a time when I needed to heal many losses aaaaand much grief, anger , resentment and pain, deep pain. Without painting I am certain I would not have faired well. The joy and freedom ,a voice to tap into expressions of soul, a soothing that I had not been able to define. Painting still and always does all this for me and more. It connected me to women all over the world who like me needed a way of expressing all the deeply hidden energy that needed to be ....with out a volcanic death.

It has brought me here to a place of JOY and SISTERHOOD. It has brought me HOME conecting my heart and soul . Before starting this little essay I pulled a card from a deck that I had the greatest honour being an artist creator of . The card I drew ..CHERISH... an I do I cherish my life and all the opportunities painting and art have brought into my life. The greatest gift is this..I Cherish the Sisterhood painting has gifted with....Aho

Crones Corner

Jotree's Heart and Soul Connections