Creative Sacred Living Magazine September 2014 | Page 79

may well become short tempered and lash out at its subordinates. It may well order the farmers to stop growing food and take up arms so that no new food is grown. It may well bully all the ministers and advisors to stop their duties and bend their will to his own. At worse he may well plan a coup against the Emperor and take over the empire with a brutal dictatorship. This is an analogy, but metaphorically this is exactly what happens in the human body.

The Liver becomes over active. It is one of the most powerful organs in the body and it has the power to affect everything else. When stressed, it may well overexert itself on the digestive system (the spleen and stomach) causing digestive problems, diarrhoea, constipation gas or IBS. It may well overact on the lungs causing a worsening of conditions like asthma. The liver controls the gynaecological system in women along with the kidney and can cause painful or irregular periods. It can even stop fertility. It can affect the heart (which governs sleep) causing bad dreams and insomnia. The liver also sends energy upwards in the body causing headaches or migraine.

One reason that stressed people drink alcohol is that it has a depressive effect on the liver and helps calm it down although at the same time stimulating it in the long term. In this respect, although alcohol can help in the short term, it can make things worse and lead to addiction in the long term.

Fortunately, there are things you can do to calm the overactive Liver down by yourself and reclaim balance in your life allowing you to deal with the stress in your life with a level head.

One way would be to see an acupuncturist. By needling points on your body they can rebalance the organ system in your body. Acupuncture also helps put the body into a relaxed state allowing you the freedom to reflect more wisely on the stressful situation and allow you to deal with it on a more constructive level. People who have regular acupuncture treatment can find that their emotions start to become more stable and they find it easier to deal with stresses.

As well as acupuncture treatment, there are various ways to calm yourself down. One way to calm or quieten the General is to strengthen the Emperor. Give him more power - the General has to obey. Meditation strengthens the Heart. In this way mediation can be a potent way particularly if you meditate on the heart chakra energy field (right between the breast area).

The colour green is also associated with the liver and can help calm it down. This can be in the form of eating green leafy vegetables - cabbage, spinach, kale or going for regular walks in the park. Even having plants in the house can have a calming effect on the body.

The Liver is also related to the eyes in the human body. Our modern world tends to overuse the eyes and thereby over stimulate and overwork the Liver through looking at excess TV, internet, smart phones and computer work. Again closing our eyes with meditation and turning inwards can be beneficial

These are just small steps you can take, but even small changes can lead to small improvements in the long term. And we are all here for the long haul. For as long as humans are alive, we will be beset with various life stresses. The best we can do is to maintain a level mind as we deal with the worst that life can and often does throw at us.

John Dixon is an acupuncturist practicing in London. His clinic is located in Angel, Islington, North London. John has over 5 years experience in acupuncture and practices a combination of Chinese and Japanese systems of acupuncture.

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