Creative Sacred Living Magazine October 2014 | Page 35

I believe this interest reflects a deep longing for connection; to both the self and others. It reflects a need to share our stories, and to have this “story,” which is our real life, witnessed and honored by others. It reflects our need to “grow” our soul or in many cases to reclaim, recover or retrieve it.

And by the way, these are not new philosophies. They are based on the oldest of traditions- goddess centered, earth based life respecting philosophies. They are in a sense our ancestors pointing the way.

Culturally we are at a turning point. We are being called to question and to find our own answers. These cards are a wonderful tool in this most gratifying and soulful journey.

Jo Ederer (Jo E.) is a writer, literacy teacher, librarian, and lover of life residing in rural Northern Ontario. A thinker and researcher, Jo has spent many years studying philosophy, metaphysics, and the modern self-help movement. She has a deep appreciation of symbolism and archetype and the many ways in which they show up in oracle and tarot cards, and in life. Jo E. can be reached at [email protected].