Creative Sacred Living Magazine November 2014 | Page 43

I heard some of the best music, ate some of the best meals, and laughed really hard at more corny jokes that month. And I really think it was more because I was present and looking for things to appreciate, than it was that the month was so much different than the ones that preceded it or followed it.

Using whatever method resonates with you the most – or making up some other way altogether – I challenge you to deliberately practice gratitude and appreciation for the next 30 days. Then drop me a note at the end of the experiment and let me know how much better you feel about your life.

is a Personal Empowerment Coach who works with women to help them navigate the journey of developing meaning and purposeful lives. She blogs and hosts a weekly podcast, Your Amazing Life. She lives in Southern California with her supportive, encouraging and loving husband, and their three cats.

Creative Seeds

CIndy Jones Lantier

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