Creative Sacred Living Magazine November 2014 | Page 38

Dear Wild and Spirited One,

I see you there with your back bent low. The weariness drips from your body, forming a pool of too much and not enough. Life has become relentless in its demands. I know that to the world looking in it seems that you have everything under control. The smile is in place. The clothes are neat and tidy. You are keeping pace, volleying everything that is thrown at you. But it is too much and you are tired.

Fatigue is not numbing. It may be best for us if it were. No. Fatigue amplifies the whisper to a scream. Every emotion is overcharged. Every reaction is over wrought. Every feeling is elevated to the highest degree.

The cacophony blinds us.

We lose sight of who we are and where we are going. We lose our way. The natural becomes unnatural. The fake becomes real. When we try to say the right thing, we say the wrong thing. The wrong thing actually feels right. The choices we make are painted and tainted with too much and not enough, with all the things and none of the things. We become toxic to ourselves and everyone around us. Not really. But it feels that way.

We end up with our backs bent low, dripping weariness, feeling all the hurt. I know that you are feeling all the hurt and I do not minimize just how paralyzing this is. Own it, feel it, let it be what it is.

And then . . .

Walk away from that hurt. Choose NOT to hurt, not to be wounded or at the very least, you can choose to heal. I see you and I know that you have been picking at that wound, peeling back the scab over and over, not allowing it to heal. The only thing that will come of this is scar tissue so deep and thick that you will never feel again.

It is time to let go and let yourself heal. Choose to walk away from feeling hurt and wounded and bruised. it really can be this simple. Not easy but simple.

Let's do this together.

Find a quiet space and a quiet moment. Close your eyes and place your hands, one on top of the other, over your center of your chest, right over your heart chakra. ( heart chakra - anahata - in Sanskrit, it means "unhurt, unstruck, unbeaten) For the next few moments, just breathe and allow yourself to sink deep into a place open for healing.

Now, with the wisdom of your heart, imagine what it would feel like to choose not to hurt. What would it look like? Who would you be without this hurt you are dragging along with you everywhere? Pay attention to the colors and the sounds and the way that you feel as you imagine a new reality. Don't rush away. Stay as long as you need within the vision of freedom from hurt.

When you are ready, breathe deeply and open your eyes. Take your hands from your chest and open them, palms up, releasing the pain, releasing your vision to take root in your life.

Dear wild and spirited one, may you go forth and live free of the tether of holding on to hurt feelings. May you know heart healing and the lightness that comes from letting go.

An Authentic Howl