Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 49

Journey Through the Chakras with the soothing voice of Dr. Aradia and the beautiful soundscapes of Synthesist, based on frequency and vibration of each Chakra, in this series of Guided Journeys. The Chakras are the energy centers, the wheels of life, within our bodies. Journey with this series from the 1st Chakra, the Root Chakra, to the 8th Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra. Begin with relaxing and cleansing the entire body in a beautiful garden as White Light cascades gently over your body, relaxing each muscle group as the shimmering light flows through your body, filling you with peace and serenity, soothing and relaxing your body. Gazing out from the garden, with the sun shining warmly down upon you, feel the breeze caress your face and hear the gentle sounds of birds calling to you in the distance as you Walk the Stone Pathway and go deeper into relaxation. As you reach the Temple of the Chakras (our bodies are our Temple), see the beautiful candles flickering on either side of the hallway as you go even deeper into relaxation and you walk towards the eight doors of the Chakras. Our Journey here takes you through 8 Chakras. The 1st Chakra – the Root Chakra, and the element of Earth. From the Root Chakra, we gain our support and stability, the source of our grounding. The Root Chakra connects us to nature and our biological source, and to all life. It is through our first chakra we gain our physical identity and self-worth. < Click Chakra to hear a sample From the 2nd Chakra, the Sacral Chakra and the element of Water, we encounter the river of change. Now we move from the element of Earth from the Root Chakra to that of water, where solid becomes liquid, and stillness becomes movement, a Chakra of change. The Sacral Chakra is also the center of sexuality, emotions, sensation, pleasure, and nurturance. < Click Chakra to hear a sample