Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 4

Spring is here and as we retreat to the wild wanderings in open natural space from the enclosed man-made spaces, we also withdraw inside our own inner spaces.

Our life begins to turn outward, as we see our body and minds imitate the quickening and growth process which the Earth mother is performing. It is a time for renewal, connecting, and action. It is open and free for communing with plant spirits and totems as well as ones personal dieties.

In our modern lives, it is often difficult to remember that we still have an alignment with the land. So let us remember and let us focus on our connections to the earth whose cycles we follow within our selves for we will also find our connections to one another through these lessons.

We need to realize and embrace these connections to the earth, to each other, and to all as we are ending another cycle and pushing forward to the next!

Be free this season my friends!

Letter From the Editor

"No older than before, I wait...

Hands sticky with longing

And potential...I have begun again.

There is a name for me now

Though I have forgotten it...I wait.

My face is young, my words unformed.

Embrace me Earth; I am your daughter

Come home once more. Whisper to

Me so that when my voice comes

I shall sing of you."
