Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 35

This exercise is adapted from her book,

Mandala Luminous Symbols for Healing.

Draw an 18 inch circle on black paper with a white pencil. Within the center draw a smaller circle.

Next use a white pencil to trace the outline of your hands and arms inside the larger circle. Leave the center circle blank.

Draw very lightly. Have your hands overlap or touch in some way. Now close your eyes. Feet flat on the floor, hands in your lap.

Slowly take three deep breaths. With each inhalation bring in peace, joy and love. With each exhalation, release tension, stress and worry.

Keeping your heart and mind open, imagine bringing a golden light down through the top of your head, the Divine Life Force through your head, neck and shoulders, arms, into your hands and fingers.

Concentrate on this beautiful divine light moving through your body, your lungs, your heart, your other organs.

Feel the warmth and healing light moving into your pelvis, down your legs and into your feet and toes.

Continue directing this love energy into all the cells of your body. Know that you have the ability to radiate health and happiness, love and peace at any moment into the essence of who you are. Imagine the Divine Light coming through your hands and fingers as vibrant good health.

When you feel or have an image of vibrant good health open your eyes. Take your white pencil and draw the vibrant good health image in the center circle. Then draw the Divine Light coming from your fingers.

When you have finished your drawing, step back from it. Spend a few minutes just looking, contemplating the possibility that the answers are always within you.

There is a life force within each of us that can be accessed and used to transform our lives. Remember you have the ability to heal yourself.

The final part of this exercise is to write an affirmation affirming your good health. I am healthy, whole and complete.

I listen with love to my body. The answers are within me.

Rae Luskin is an artist, teacher and community activist and the author of 'Art From My Heart, a self discovery journal.

A leader in nurturing self worth, resilience, healing and social change through creative expression, she is known as the

'Healed Heart Expert.'

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