Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 15

My love and I rarely see each other. Work and caring for our respective aging

mothers takes precedence over our time together. The dream life seems

wonderful, nice, and easy. Too easy. If I had the ability to bring my dream

into my reality, I don’t think that I would. I need the conflict, the confusion,

and the chaos. It is my life, my REAL life.

These challenges shape me; they teach me and allow me to stretch and to

grow. Creativity abides and abounds in the midst of the imperfect life.

I would dare to say that creativity is dependent on things not going as

planned. That being the case, I might just be the queen of creativity.

Except that I’m not because I am not the only one with an overturned life.

We all live this reality.

So it goes like this.

The mornings begin with opening our eyes in gratitude to a fresh start.

Every day can be day one. Whatever the choice of morning beverage,

we can raise our cups in celebration of a life that sometimes fills up

every nook and cranny of time.

Honoring the intent of meditation, we make every moment sacred with awareness

and mindfulness. Waiting in line at the post office can be a time of prayer and

reflection. Buying groceries can be an activity full of awe and gratefulness.

Take the time to dance a little longer in the kitchen. Music and movement need

not wait for special time or class.

Remember that creativity and art are not relegated to a certain space and time. Paintings come into being in the corner of the dining room just fine.

Laundry and dishes will always be there. Inject the task with contentment

and joy. Give ourselves permission to ignore the piles from time to time.

With each day one comes the opportunity to make good choices.

So maybe we didn’t choose the food our bodies really crave and maybe we didn’t drench ourselves in pure, clean water yesterday, today, we can choose differently.

Realize that the dinner table is for all sorts of interactions and at least, we are still gathering. Be glad that we are comfortable expressing our opinions strongly

and know that as fiercely as we fight, we will defend each other with the same.

So they think they have outgrown listening to stories? Read to them anyway.

Read aloud to ourselves. It’s a wonderful practice. for all the ages and stages.