Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 11

How would you honor this flow? How would you acknowledge the endless potential that has not come to fruition? Just remembering that the substance of your Menstrual Flow is sheer potentiality - would be a great place to start. Instead of throwing your menstrual pads into the trash, contemplate the fact that this is life in its raw form. This living tissue, shed by your womb, is the building block of humanity. How far must we have drifted, as a culture, to have closed our eyes and hearts to this fact... To have come to label this life-giving substance ‘gross’, to have been taught to hide it, and to have been compelled to throw it away as waste... Lets return to the model of feeding instead of that of trashing. When we feed a child, lets remember that we are also feeding future generations. When you feed your own body, remember that a vast amount of Human Potential resides in your womb, weather you decide to materialize it in the form of a new human life, or use its potency to feed your creativity in the world. Next time you are about to dispose of a pad stained with your menstrual flow, take a moment to contemplate its origins. Perhaps you could find a better place to rest it than the trash can? Perhaps you can soak it in water and feed the Earth with it, or pour it on your favorite houseplant to give it a boost of life. If the thought grosses you out, stop to think why? Trace the thought to its origins... When did you first learn about menstrual blood, and who told you it was gross? Once you discover the answer - return the thought to its originator (be it your mother, your father, an ad, a line in a movie, or whatever else). Then contemplate the actual substance of your menstrual blood, and ask yourself if it is not about time you made up your own mind? DeAnna L’am, internationally established expert on Menstrual Wellness, author of ‘Becoming Peers-Mentoring Girls Into Womanhood’ and ‘A Diva’s Guide to Getting Your Period’; Founder of Red Moon School of Empowerment for Women & Girls™, and of Red Tents In Every Neighborhood Global Network. Fondly known as ‘Womb Visionary’, DeAnna has been transforming lives worldwide for over 20 years, teaching women and girls how to love themselves unconditionally! She guides women to dissolve PMS symptoms by drawing spiritual strength from their cycle; Helps mothers welcome their daughters to empowered womanhood, and teaches women how to hold Red Tents in their communities. Visit her at: or on her Fecebook page