Creative Sacred Living Magazine May 2014 | Page 10

Feed the Future © By DeAnna L’am One of the most astounding facts about the miracle of a woman’s body is that we, women, are born with all of our eggs within us... This means that when your Grandmother was born, she carried within her the egg that became your Mother. When your Mom was born, the egg from which You grew -- already lived within her. On the day of Your birth, the children that you brought forth (if you did in this life) were already nestled in your womb. And if you have a daughter, her future children are living-potentials in her womb... Stop for a moment and think about this... Like the Russian nesting doll, Matryoshka, we too are nestled within our mother’s body since her birth. Similarly, all generations of human life on Earth are so encapsulated within the women that will one day give birth to them. The chain of generation is truly unbroken, and we are each a living link in that chain. In indigenous cultures - it is traditional to feed the ancestors. When honoring those who crossed over, many cultures will have the deceased cooked-for by their loving family members. The dead’s favorite meal is displayed on the altar and is offered as a gift for their spirit to enjoy. Considering that we are indeed part of our mother’s body ever since her birth, it seems that without acknowledging it -- we also feed future generations when we feed our children. Your Grandmother actually nourished You when she fed her daughter, your future Mom. And you are feeding unborn children, who reside in your daughter’s womb, each time you feed her. Our inter-connectedness becomes palpable when you think of it in this way. No longer an abstract spiritual concept, our oneness is a physiological fact. While men produce new sperm daily, women are born with all their eggs. Between one and two million of them, in fact. Only a fraction of these will be fertilized. And even fewer will be carried through a pregnancy to be born as new human beings. More than a million eggs will be shed by your womb over the years, as menstrual flow. In a way this is humanity in its potential form - passing through you...