Creative Sacred Living Magazine June 2014 | Page 42

What words do you wish had been whispered in your ear ?

What path do you dream of walking?

What is it that your heart tugs at?

What do you choose to ignore, knowing you will not find HOME

until you embrace it ?

What pain embedded in your soul so deep you have forgotten?

What road have you chosen?

Daughter my heart breaks.

The shards embedded like broken glass,a pain with no relief.

Allow your sight to go within your own sweet heart,

What love have you forsaken ?

What door is closed that cannot be opened ?

What arms encircle you?

A Mother's love awaits you.

I wrote this sometime ago while I was and still do grieve the loss of my own sweet daughter.

I knew at the time that it was crucial for me to begin to heal the wounded mother... a very long line in my ancestors and now had visited myself and my daughter and granddaughters... a generational pain and loss that had been passed on.

As the grandmother of three my purpose for being is to change the direction of anguish to celebration... have come full Circle to understanding that the best way to do this is to integrate an old way of being...of accepting what is but re-creating life into something sacred... with the hope of redirecting that energy into something that has been apart of my story into a new story...Past generations to future generations...

To live a sacred, creative life is a keep to opening this doorway. ~ from the Crone's Corner

Jotree, crone and artist of my soul, doula of lifeskills and soul spirit, lover of life, and Queen of my heART. Holding sacred space for women who choose to integrate joy and freedom into their daily practice of living.

Crones Corner

Wounded Mother Lost Daughter

Lets Connect!

Jotree's Heart &

Soul Connections