Creative Sacred Living Magazine July 2014 | Page 50

Wisdom or insight gives rise to the truth that all things exist in a state of flux, nothing is permanent, the only thing we are able to depend on is impermanence or change. We tend to witness little truth as we impose popular opinion, fear, ignorance and preconceived notions upon all we see, touch or hear. As George Harrison's great album title states; "All things must pass". Whilst gaining true insight into that which we have contemplated is absorbed by the mind, so arises the wisdom that there is a heartfelt disenchantment with all things as they will not remain, being transient and this truth becomes encouraging… at least to me. This concept is one open to much interpretation and personal preference. Elasticity is the beginning of wisdom. Water in particular, is the perfect opportunity to contemplate the wisdom of impermanence, water itself changes form as well as altering all it touches, grinding mountains to sand, pummeling coastlines according to it's will,

rivers meander despite our best efforts, levees and dikes crumble no matter the efforts of the