Creative Sacred Living Magazine December 2014 | Page 42

Creative Soul Poetry

“And it is your spirit-will and energy, and virtue and purity-that I want, not alone with your brittle frame.”

Charlotte Bronte’, Jane Eyre

with Teresa Brouwer

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is an amazing way to channel your higher self, spirit guides and passed loved ones. It’s when you allow spirit to communicate through you and allow your unconscious mind to take over your writing. This form of writing is a great way to tap into your higher wisdom and a wonderful way to allow your true essence to surface.

Believe it or not, many of us have experienced automatic writing without even realizing it. Have you ever wrote in a journal, an article, on a blog and found yourself pouring out words as if something took over? Do you find yourself writing a masterpiece and then unable to write it again? Have you ever created a piece of art but unable to create the same work again?

Here are some tips on how to get started:

Setting the tone:

Light some candles

Start with a mini-meditation

Try visualization and breathing techniques

Call forth angel guides and spirit guides. Ask for their guidance

Let go